搜索"Cha" ,找到 4126部影视作品
Richard Tuggle
Wes Block is a detective who&am亚洲阿v天堂无码在线p;#39;s put on the case of a serial killer whose victims are young and pretty women, that he rap爱丽丝的失踪es and murders. The killings are getting personal when the killer chooses victims who are acquaint2008年qq下载ances of Block. Even his daughters are threatened.
转 Monster Shark(红海魔影) 剧情大概: 两个游客在海上钓鱼时突然遭到一个巨大的水下怪死神 剧场版3物的袭击,其中一人死亡,整个下半身都被吃掉了。科学家在对其身上的齿痕进行检查时,发现这种齿痕只有一种凶残的原始恐鱼才有,而这种凶残的鱼早在几百万年前就灭绝了! 类似的怪物袭击案接连发生,海滨居民陷入一片惶恐之中。 有人调查发现,是某科学家利用海豚的智慧、章鱼的力量、还有原始恐鱼的凶残性格等多重基因,将其综合移殖到一条大鱼的身上,使它变成了一个恐怖的水下怪物1937迷案…… (此片就算不介绍大家也应该知道吧,兰帕德·帕瓦的成名作,央视早期引进的为数不多的恐怖片之一,正大剧场放映的超人气作品,虽然不及黑色的遗产有名……) 片子为法国和意大利合拍片,原名为Shark rosso'nelloceano,引进美国后改名为Monster Shark
Rob Kerr,Patrick Greene,Eric Hoffman,Alex Jouve,Mike Masland,Dara Padwo-Audick,Benjamin Adams Trueheart,Brian Leckey
主持人 Chad Houseknecht 是发明家,武器历史学家 Mike Loades 每周都会选择另一种历史武器。在 Loads 探索其历史的同时(经常去采访现代实践者的国家),Houseknecht 尝试使用现代技术对其进行改进。在每集的结尾,都会进行新版本的挑战测试。 在这一系列非常刺激的节目中,科技与历史将进行正面碰撞,我们将看到改变世界的武器,亲眼见证其强大力量。但古代的工匠们做对了吗?我们能否用现代材料、科学与技术制造出更加精良的武器?或者古代八戒八戒在线高清观看视频工匠看似简单的方法实际上就是最好的选择,且能经受住时间的考验? 本节目共10集…… 日本武士刀(Pilot - Katana) 罗马蝎笑话大全爆笑下载弩(Roman Scorpion) 梭标投射器(Atlatl) 双轮战车弓箭(Chariot Bow) 印度轮刃(The Deadly Chakram) 吹矢枪(Blow Gun) 中国连弩(Repeating Crossbow) 燧发手枪(Duelling Pistols) 希腊火(Greek Fire) 火箭(Hell Rocket)
Charlie Steeds
In the distant future, Jack Deadman and his military team are the final hope to save our dying earth from its hellish apocalypse. The mission is to enter the under真奇怪ground world of Labyrinthia and retrieve the water stolen by the savage inhabitants below... 10 years later, the mission has failed, and Jack Deadman ex免费毛片手机在线播放ists in isolation, trapped and buried deep within Labyrinthia. A lone wolf anti-hero, changed by failure and guilt. But when the opportunity to escape arises once again, Jack will begin a quest for vengeance and redemption in one la魔法异界游st attempt to escape from Labyrinthia.
普拉特(阿兰·德龙 Alain Delon 饰)本是一位精明干练的警察,立下过赫赫的战功。然而,他虽然保护了他所在的城市,却无法保护自己最爱的人,当普拉特的妻子遭人残忍的杀害妈妈的礼物,而嫌疑人却因为证据不足而逍遥法外后,普拉特彻底熄灭了对于警察这一职业的幻想。辞职之后,普拉特躲去了非洲,过上了离群索居的生活。 一晃眼10年过去,让普拉特没有想到的是,同样的噩梦再度降临到了他女儿的头上。这一次,普拉特决定不再逃避,他要为妻子和女儿复仇。经过了一番缜密的调查之后,普拉特震惊的发现,这两起死亡事件,竟然都和警察局局长雷内(雅克·贝汉 Jacques Perrin 饰)有着千丝万缕的关联。
席勒(弗洛里安·斯泰特 Florian Stetter 饰)是18世纪德国最伟大的诗人,甚至有着德国莎士比亚的美誉。无数的女子都拜倒在席勒的才华之下,其中也包括贵族出生的姐妹夏洛特(汉娜·赫茨施普龙 Hannah Herzsprung 饰)和卡洛琳(亨丽埃特·肯夫里乌斯 Henriette Confurius 饰)。 夏洛特因为家道中落而被母亲送到了star 369魏玛宫廷成为了那里的宫女,在那儿,她邂逅了席勒。天真单纯的夏洛特一下子就被席勒深深的吸引住了,她将这份懵懂的爱恋分享给了已经嫁为人妇的姐姐卡洛琳,此时的卡洛琳正深陷一段没有爱情的婚姻之中感到无比的痛苦,席勒的出现成为了她的希望之光。夏洛特和卡洛琳之间的感情亲密无间,亲密到她们愿意共同分享这个神一般的男人。
此部动作冒险片,带有「印地安纳琼斯」系列电影的风格。洁西(莎朗史东 饰)的父亲是一名考古学家,在一次前往非洲的考古探险中,被一名土耳其人(约翰雷斯戴维斯 饰)与一名德国上校(赫伯隆姆 饰)绑架,他们俩企图从顽固的考古学家的口中,逼问出所罗门王宝藏的藏匿地点。为了找回失踪父亲的下落,洁西向冒险家艾伦(李年轻的母亲6免费观看国语察张伯伦 饰,)求助,于是两人启程前往未知的非洲大陆。接下来,他们要面对的不仅是凶猛的鳄鱼、狮子,还有一群心狠手辣的人类…此部带有异国风味的冒险电影,是动作片名导杰李汤姆逊的作品,他另有「六壮士」、「恐怖角」等代表作。
Charles T. Kanganis
Policewoma博物馆奇妙夜3迅雷下载n Vicki leads a police action against drug dealer Salvador. Salvador gets away, but Vicki acquires his dasp程序下载rugs worth $5 million. Due to the many police losses, she is taken of the case and replaced by her husband Al. Nevertheless, she continues to hunt Salvador down w爸爸 我们去哪儿啊ho is now making havoc to regain his drugs.
Gérard Kikoïne
Charlie, a young aristoc国语版泰国电视剧真爱无价rat in turn of the century England, meets a boy named Frank on the road to Portsmouth. What Charlie doesn't realize is that Frank is actually Frances, who's donned a disguise to escape working at a brothel. Charlie takes Frank/Frances into his home, and w飓风营救下载hen he discovers her true identity, the two become lovers. He sends her to London to be trained by his mistress in the art of sex, but she learns much more about her identity as a woman. Before th消失的秘符e opening credits, explicitly on-screen it reads: "Based on the famous Victorian erotic novel by an anonymous writer".
Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population 驯龙记高清下载and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing创世神的日常 催眠类 sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade. The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent furthe欲海潮4r warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. In the film, Sir David Attenborough says: "In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”
在英国的一斗罗大陆156集免费观看完整版个小村庄里,来了一位曼妙的整容美女塔玛拉·德鲁(杰玛·阿特登 Gemma Arterton 饰),她曾经在这里长大,现在她已在外闯荡多年,还给自己天生的大鼻子整了形,成为一名年轻的记者,她此行只是为了将母亲遗留下的房子卖掉。然而,当曾经的大鼻子丑女以如此美艳的形象出现在众人面前时,宁静的村庄一下子波澜起伏,男人们接二连三地拜倒在塔玛拉的石榴裙下:小伙子安迪(卢克·伊万斯 Luke E姬丽 哈泽尔vans 饰)从小就被她吸引,乐队鼓手本(多米尼克·库珀 Dominic Cooper 饰)更是与其展开热恋,甚至连中年作家尼古拉斯(罗杰·阿拉姆 Roger Allam 饰)也背着妻子与她纠缠。然而纸包不住火,事情渐渐暴露并发生一连串哈泽尔戏剧性的转折,塔玛拉和村民们的生活如何才能回归正轨?