搜索"Theo" ,找到 63部影视作品
片长:83分钟 对白:英语 类型:科幻\恐怖 内容简介 本影片是部喜剧和科幻影片。一位邪恶的科学家把一位被谋杀的中学生迈克的大脑移植到一只能动的恐龙雷克斯中。这支雷克斯暴龙的身材大小在片爱特漫画登漫画登录页面免费中能随时改变。后来雷克斯逃跑了,向那些在学校中曾使他痛苦的人们发泄他的报复,并且和他 心爱的姑娘泰米又团圆了。他们二人一起躲避开那位的邪恶的科学家和警察,找到了一支合适的试管容纳迈克的大脑。这时迈克的大 脑还仍然活着。 【导演】 Stewart Raffill 【编剧】 Gary Brockette;Stewart Raffill 【主要演员】 Denise Richards .... Tammy Theo Forsett .... Byron Paul Walker .... Michael Ellen Dubin .... Helga Terry Kiser .... Dr. Wachenstein Ken Carpenter .... Neville George Pilgrim .... Billy Sean Whalen .... Weasel J. Jay Saunders .... Sheriff Black John Edmondson .... Karl John Franklin .... Bobby Michele Maika .... Michelle Shevonne Durkin .... Wendy
Sidharta Tata
Maya, a wood factory worker. After losing her parents, Maya had to struggle to support her younger brother, Adi. As an older sister, Maya always tried to keep Adi safe and out of trouble. Maya's efforts were successful at first. Adi and Maya's lives were peaceful. However, the peace of life suddenly changed drastically when Adi suddenly disappeared without a trace. Maya immediately did everything she could to find her younger brother. On the other hand, a journalist named Risang was investigating a corruption case involving Regent Zaenal in the city of Rimbalaya. This investigation led him to Zaenal's rehabilitation center, where Adi was found in suspicious conditions. Risang began to feel that there was something bigger and darker behind the rehabilitation facility. This rehabilitation facility became the beginning of a series of strange events involving undead zombies. Ella, a girl from Jakarta, was accidentally caught up in a tragic event while visiting Rimbalaya to meet her grandmother. Fate brought Ella together with Maya, Risang, and Adi amidst various horrific incidents that continued to occur in the city. Slowly, they were dragged into a dirty political conflict involving power and dark secrets in Rimbalaya. With the situation getting more critical, the threat of the living dead that is increasingly numerous and brutal continues to lurk them. They must also race against time to save themselves and their loved ones. They try to escape from the city before Rimbalaya completely turns into a red zone that cannot be left.
Through this film our aim is to promote the fascinating personality of Nikos Kazantzakis, as well as the enchanting scenery of Greece that molded him into the man he became. The great Cretan writer used to say that his life was defined by his travels and his dream床上俄罗斯方块是什么意思s. This is exactly what the director is planning to achieve with this film; His journeys to Germany, Austria, Russia, France and Mount Sinai and through these experiences, to also show his philosophical and metaphysical quests.
Maritte Lee Go
A teenage girl with self-esteem issu嘟嘟嘟影院高清在线观看es finds confidence in the most unlikely way, by spending her summer battling vampires that prey on New Orleans' disenfranchised with the help 最近中文字幕2019高清of her best friend, the boy she's always pined for, and a peculiar rich girl.
In this notorious Nazi propaganda historical costume melodrama, a conniving, ambitious Jewish businessman, Suess Oppenheimer, snares a post as treasurer to the Duke of Wurttemburg by showering the corrupt duke with treasure and promises of even greater riches. As the Jew's schemes gro我的好妈妈8中字播放w more elaborate and his actions more brazen, the dukedom nearly erupts into civil war. Persuaded by the Jew, the Duke all but scuttles the constitution and alienates the assembly by lifting the local ban on Jews in Stuttgart. In a final outrage, the Jew rapes a wholesome German girl and tortures her father and fiancee. When the Duke succumbs to a sudden heart attack, the assembly of Elders try the Jew and sentence him to death for having "carnal knowledge of a Christian woman." Summary written by Kevin Rayburn
《四月的某时》(Sometimes in April)——描写西方世界没有参与调停的1994年卢旺达大屠杀的悲惨影片,加入了柏林电影节的竞赛单元,是为期11天的电影节中两部关于此暴行的影片之一。与特里乔治的《卢旺达饭店》关注的是同一背景和题材,拉乌尔佩克却以不同的途径展示了内战的创伤。这两部影片和《卡雅利沙的卡门》可看出南非电影的升温。 浓笔重彩描绘出大屠杀血腥场面的《四月的某时》,比爱丽丝之棘起同一题材的展映影片《卢旺达酒店》(Hotel Rwanda),具有绝对的震慑力。 这部由美国和卢旺达联合制作的影片,是第一部关于大约80万图西人和胡图族人遭到种族灭绝的主要影片,在卢旺达当地拍摄,并动用了大批当地居民作为临时演员。 出生在海地的导演和人权积极分子拉乌尔-佩克(Raoul Peck)说,启用仍然对那场灾难记忆犹新的卢旺达人当临时演员,可能有助于外国观众更好地理解他们内心的恐惧。佩克强忍住泪说:“影片中所有的事情都是真实的。我认为难得有机会发生这种情况,各种族人们间的关系和冲突顷刻间全部爆发,任何可能发生的事情都成为了现实。” 电影讲述了1994年4月,一名胡图族士兵在诛仙青云志在线观看最初大屠杀的混乱里与图西族妻子和两个儿子失散的故事,10后当他与遇见他的兄弟泽维尔时,才获悉他们的命运。而身为记者的泽维尔正在坦桑尼亚Arusha的卢旺达国际法庭受审,罪名是通过电台广播煽动流血事件。影片中也提到了作为美国国务院官员的德博拉-温格(Debra Winger),努力说服当时的总统比尔-克林顿采取行动。 另一部在本周初上映的同样题材的影片《卢旺达酒店》(Hotel Rwanda)参加了柏林电影节的非竞赛单元。佩克说他有意识地决定,要比《卢旺达酒店》描绘更多栩栩如生的暴力场面。他说:“我的第一个目标是要把影片拍得尽可能真实残酷,又不会让观众掉头而去。我需要观众,我需要他们看完整部电影,走完这次恐怖之旅。这场有计划的种族屠杀发生的时候周围没有摄影机。” 佩克花费了数个月的时间在卢旺达和坦桑尼亚进行调查,影片剧本中的部分内容来自审理团听证会的副本。他说,一些出演影片的卢旺达人声称他们不能演凶手,只能演受害者,因为10年前的悲剧仍然深入人心,椎心刺骨。佩克说,拍摄期间由5位专家组成的心理学家小组一天24小时都要驻暗黑3如何注册账号守在片场。 在片中扮演一名图西族受害者的比利时女演员卡罗尔-卡雷梅拉(Carole Karemera)说,电影的制作过程对许多身受其害的人来说,是一种精神治疗。她说:“经受了痛苦,你才会有羞耻心,才会安静下来。现在我们试着谈论这件事,也开始再次相信其余的人类。”
洛奇(保罗·纽曼 Paul Newman 饰)出生结界师国语在位于纽约的一个非常贫困的家庭之中,他的父亲曾经梦想成为一名拳击手,但可惜窘迫的生活条件让这个梦想最终化为了泡影,于是,这个失落的男人只能整日生活在郁郁寡欢之中,靠着酒精排遣内心的不满。 荷尔蒙爆棚的洛奇整天在大街上打架惹是生非,这让他和父亲之间的关老司机直播软件系变得非常的糟糕。某日,洛奇得到了军中长官的赏识,在长官的鼓励之下,他决定去拳坛一试身手,因此意外发现了隐藏在基因里的天赋,从此走上了拳击的道路。拳击不仅拯救了洛奇,以化解了他和父亲之间长久的仇恨。
Hanns Walter Kornblum
Wunder der Schöpfung is an extraordinary, fascinating Kulturfilm trying to explain the whole human knowledge of the 1920s about the world and the universe. 15 special effects experts and 9 cameramen were involved in the production of this film which combines documentary scenes, historical documents, fiction elements, animation scenes and educational impact. It its beautifully colored, using tinting and toning in a very elaborated way. Some visual ideas in the sequences with a space shuttle visiting different planets in the universe seem to have to be the inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the context of Germany's Kulturfilm phenomenon, Wunder der Schöpfung was among the greatest achievements of the 1920s. The production was constructed, rehearsed, and shot over a period of two and a half years, under the supervision of Hanns Walter Kornblum. The idea to describe the universe and man's place in it well suited UFA's Grossfilm mentality, one year before the Metropolis catastrophe. Hundreds of skilled craftsmen participated in the project, building props and constructing scale models鬼吹灯精绝古城百度云 drawn by 15 special effects draughtsmen, while 9 cameramen in separate units worked on the historical, documentary, fiction, animation, and science-fiction sequences. Without star roles or even protagonists, the film's plot is crowded with meticulously structured and skillfully acted single scenes an artful mosaic of small vignettes. No less than four credited university professors ensured the factual background behind the scientific and historical events portrayed. The film's symbol of progress and the new scientific era is a spacecraft, travelling through the Milky Way, making all the planets and their inspiring worlds familiar to us, with the extravaganza of their distinctive features. The film's educational intentions, however, become steadily more obscure, humorous, or even campy as this popularization project proceeds. With the excuse of presenting the end of the world a not-so-new concept as a new, undeniably scientific truth, the film veers happily along a new path, displaying detailed apocalyptic scenes of the end of mankind. For today's audiences, this amazing film demonstrates how the universe was comprehended in the 1920s, and how that view was sold to contemporary audiences.
罗德里格斯在上世纪70年代发行过两张专辑《Cold Fact》与《Coming From Reality》,在南非有超过50万的销量且知名度可与滚石乐队相提并论。但与其他知名的美国歌手不同,南非的歌迷得不到任何一点关于罗德里格斯的信息,除了专辑歌曲之外唯一能了解的只有专 辑封面上一张并不清晰的相片。两张专辑后,他好像也就此销声匿迹。 对于在南非的辉煌成绩,罗德里格斯其实并不知情,他在美国过着截然不同的生活,没有知名度,专辑销量不佳,被唱片公司抛弃,曾经一度做着装修屋顶的体力活…… 南非开普敦一家唱片店老板斯蒂芬与音乐记者克雷格听到罗德里格斯在舞台上奇特自杀的传闻后展开调查,寻找小糖人之路就此开始,一段神秘的传奇故事就此展开……袁咏仪电视剧
Farren Blackburn,Tom Shankland
新剧《灵界》(The Fades)被制片人描述为「相当长一段时期内人们在电视上见过的最吓人的电视剧集」。该剧描述一个17岁少年能够看见死者的精爱上电视剧灵,一种被称为「逝者」的东西。这种东西不是鬼魂,不是吸血鬼和狼人,也不是民间传说中任何一种怪物,而是一种全新的东西。活人见不到他们,听不到他们,闻不到他们,也感觉不到他们的存在。但是如今生与死的界限开始模糊,「逝者」突破束缚进入了活人的世界。一个叫Paul的少年能够用肉眼看到「逝者」,他和他的朋友Mac将承担起驱除邪灵、保护人类的重任。一开始,Paul总是被「世界末日」的噩梦惊醒,他的心理医生对此无能为力。后来Paul亲眼见到自己身边被「逝者」环绕,才明白发生了什么事。与此同时,女主角Sarah能够预见未来,并因此遭到「逝者」的袭击。当Sarah神秘消失后,她的前夫Mark开始四处寻找她。
艾利(约翰·C·赖利 John C. Reilly 饰)和查理(华尺寸最大的十大直播平台金·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)是一对杀手兄弟,某日,他们接到了一项任务,去暗杀一名淘金者。于是,两个男人火速从俄勒冈前往旧金山,一路上,两个人遇到的麻烦可不少,但他们凭借着智慧和勇气将它们一一化解,最终安全的抵达了目的地。 当他们见到了他们的目标时才发现,这个名叫沃姆(里兹桃花社区免费观看在线观看·阿迈德 Riz Ahmed 饰)的男人是一名化学家,他发明出了一种神奇的药剂,可以帮助人们更快速的寻找到金矿的所在。两利相权取其重,艾利和查理当即决定辞去杀手这份工作,转而成为来钱更快的淘金汉,哪知道他们为这个鲁莽的决定付出了沉我知女人心下载重的代价。