搜索"Thoms" ,找到 26部影视作品
Ryan Kruger
A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city.
7岁的奥利芙,戴眼镜,小肚腩,做一夜成名的美梦,坚信自己有朝一日能当选美国小姐。 爸爸,推销成功学课程的讲师,相信“世界上只有两种人,成功者和失败者”,四处贩卖他的“成功九部曲”;哥哥,自闭男,崇拜尼采,为了考上飞行学院发哑誓,九个月没有同家人说话;舅舅,自称是美国最好的普鲁斯特研究学者,同性恋,恋人和同事跑掉、失业,自杀未遂,生活混乱;爷爷(阿兰·阿尔金 饰),被养老院赶出来的老流氓,满嘴脏话、吸毒;妈妈,是这个疯狂家庭唯一正常的人。 在家人的支持下,奥利芙参加了追查到底电视剧“阳光小美女”的选美比赛,一家人踏上了集体寻梦的旅程。 奥利芙能否如愿当选?家庭成员们怎样才能度过他们各自的危机?
Jay Sandrich
The first series, Ben, a dentist, and Susan, the worst cook in the world, are certainly loving, caring parents, they just have a problem showing it. Ben seems to be confused as to how much time and money his kids demand from 加勒比海盗4高清him. Susan has to juggle motherhood, a career and a husband and does not have enough time to manage everything including improving her cooking skills. Nick is always working on his next hair-brained scheme to keep him amused. Janey, like any normal teenage daughter feels that her parents are seriously embarrassing whilst Michael keeps his head in his books to get away from the noise.
Hugh Thomson
Treasures Of The Indus is 3 x 60’ episodes made by Tern TV, which tell the story of the Indian Sub-Continent through the treasures that have sqiqisehaped the modern Indian world. From the plains of Pakistan to the foothills of the Himalayas, from Northern India and Rajasthan to the deep South and Tamil Nadu, Dr Sona Datta explores this vast melting pot of diverse civilisations, religions, cultures and glorious landscapes that has given us some of the greatest artistic golden ages on earth. The series will chart the history of the Indus Valley, telling the relatively unknown story that stretches back 4,500 years to the Ancient Indus civilisation who gave us, amongst other things, the decimal system. Sona explores the art of the Mughals, who created the most famous and dazzling empire t听我说谢谢你手舞视频hat India has ever seen, from the Taj Mahal to fabulously intricate miniatures of court life. She questions whether the Mughals were trying to impose their own religion of Islam or indeed whether they were open to the religion and art of the country they were trying to conquer; and she discovers some of the 33,000 sacred temples hewn from rock, sandstone and marble in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.仙女湖剧情分集介绍
Heaven is now happily married and ready to settle back in her hometown. But after a trip to Farthinggale Manor, Heaven is persuaded to stay. Lured by her grandfather to live amidst the wealthy and privileged Hea 秘密教学 免费版ven seems to have it all until the ghosts of her past rise up once more, threatening her precious new life.
Based on the second book in the Casteel Series, Heaven has finally found the new life she always dreamed of with her忘忧草官网进入 newly discovered grand魔怔世界3parents. Upon closer inspection, beauty and riches hide sinister secrets Heaven has tried desperately to rid herself of.
Rainer Werner Fassbinder was probably Germany’s most significant post-war director. His swift and dramatic demise at the early age of 37 in 1982 left behind a vacuum in European filmmaking that has yet to be filled, as well as a body of unique, multi-layered and multifarious work of astonishing consistency and rigour. From 1969 onwards, Danish director and film historian Christian Braad Thomsen maintained a close yet respectfully distanced friendship with Fassbinder. Fassbinder – Lieben ohne zu fordern is based on his personal memories as well as a series of conversations and interviews he held with Fassbinder and his mother Lilo in the 1970s. The film also contains current interviews with Irm Hermann and Harry Baer, both of whom were close to Fassbinder. Beginn十大禁玩游戏ing with Fassbinder’s extraordinary childhood in traumatised post-war Germany, the film, which is divided into seven chapters, provides an illuminating, intimate and moving tribute that bears witness to the enduring relevance of both the man and his work. Today in particular his o爱可以重来剧情euvre continues to provoke us to engage with controversy and tension – be it aesthetical, creative or critical. berlianle 2015
“破浪而出"的丹麦导演拉尔斯.冯.特里厄扬名国际影坛的代表作,曾获坎城影展评审团大奖及高等技术委员会奖。 男主角是德裔美藉青年凯斯勒,在第二次世界大战后最爽的乱惀小说怀孕回到从未涉足的祖国。他原是一个和平主义和理想主义者,希望以中立的态度来看待战后的欧洲人民。不料叔叔安排凯斯勒在一列火车上当列车长,使他有机会深入欧洲各地,聆听各种不同的声音,从而揭破了和平口号与人道主义的虚妄。而他爱上的铁路公司老板千金,更是嘘 魏承泽小说免费全文一名纳粹主义的支持者,更使他陷入了两难之境。 导演拍出一种令人目眩神迷的魔幻写实色彩,镜头运用大胆,使观众仿佛进入催眠状态之中,是一部个人艺术风格强烈之作。
Michael Miller
That day is seared into the memory of every human being on the planet: the day the world changed. First came the attack on the Philippines. Within days they spread, as though appearing out of nowhere, striking out a真性假爱在线观看t more islands, forging a foothold in the South Pacific. Then came the first attack on U.S. soil - Los Angeles - and the reality became clear: our world was at war once again, but this time with an enemy from beyond our galaxy. Now, months later, the fate of the world hangs in the balance as a mission to strike at a key enemy installation deep in enemy te中东地图高清中文版rritory goes terribly wrong, and the Marines of the 15th Expeditionary Unit are scattered across the island of New Britain, leaderless, and facing impossible odds. Pacific Theater is the story of those Marines: fresh recruits who journey from their homes across the Pacific to the front lines. It is the story of John Blake, a charming Californian surfer who must find the strength to become a leader, Tracey Gleeson, a physics...
斯科特(保罗·莫库利奥 Paul Mercurio 饰)出生于舞蹈世家,在父母的耳濡目染之下,年轻帅气的他对舞蹈充满了兴趣。充满创意的香蕉鱼在线视频斯科特喜欢在传统的舞蹈中加入他自创的新鲜舞步,但很显然,刻板的评委并不喜欢斯科特的创新。一个名叫芙兰(塔拉·莫里斯 Tara Morice 饰)的女孩找到了斯科特,希望能够与他搭档,斯科特意外的发现,他和芙兰之间的节奏异常合拍,在亲密无间的合作下,真挚的情感在两个年轻人之间产生了。 斯科特的母亲雪莉(Pat Thomson 饰)对于其貌不扬的芙兰并不满意,她找到了美艳奔放的缇娜(Sonia Kruger 饰),希望她能够成为斯科特的看黄子片免费新舞伴,斯科特当然拒绝,可为了实现自己的目的,雪莉竟然不惜使用谎言逼迫斯科特就范。在痛苦之中,斯科特放弃了芙兰。